
Hello and welcome to my blog! I owe many thanks to the Jekyll Now team for providing a great framework for getting this blog up and running.

A little about myself: I’ve just finished my final undergraduate semester at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, where I studied Computer Engineering and English. I have a range of skills and interests in both hardware and software design; however, the latter is definitely my main passion, particularly computer graphics and entertainment-related technologies. Outside of programming I love reading and writing stories, so I’m always looking for unique and exciting ways of using technology for storytelling purposes! This blog will primarily be a means of tracking my progress on a number of personal projects in this regard. However, I also plan on writing about interesting developments in the field and some of my experiences as a young coder from time to time.

My current project is something I’m calling ZRender (a misleading title as it isn’t actually a renderer yet). I’m building a simple OpenGL framework to be used for some more complex projects I have in mind, specifically game and simulation based ideas. I do plan to eventually have a go at writing the actual rendering code; however, for the time being, I am more interested in having some fun with the ins and outs of OpenGL and pursuing some more creative projects!

I hope you’ll follow along to read about my progress! I am always open to feedback on my work, so please feel free to get in touch to let me know how I’m doing or to make suggestions. Thanks for reading and have a happy new year!

Written on December 29, 2018